Everything you need to know to create a new file that modifies placeholders.
When you start the plugin, it generates its folders where we can find 2 example files, these are files that modify the color of the username and the other modifies the color of the text that we write in the chat.
๐๏ธExample PlayerName
id: "playername"
title: "Player Name Tag"
default: "&f%player_displayname%"
value: "<#8B5C63#808A1D>%player_displayname%</>"
permission: "tags.mango"
material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
skin: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTI4M2M4Y2QzMzM3MTYwM2I1NzI2NTI2YTJmNmZlZTViZDA2ZjBlOGQ1NjFjNDk3MTllMDJmZTlmNjA4MTFkMiJ9fX0="
name: "<#8B5C63#808A1D>Mango</>"
- "&0"
- "&eSelect this tag to get the"
- "&enext format: <#8B5C63#808A1D>%player_displayname%</>"
value: "<#AB9DF6>%player_displayname%</#24F6CF>"
permission: "tags.skycastle"
material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
skin: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTIzNWMzNzc5YjVhOWRjODI3MDk0MjYwMWI3Nzc0YzM3ZGRkOGM5YWM5ZTE3NDA3MTA3ZTkwYWM2YjBjYTIxZiJ9fX0="
name: "<#AB9DF6>Sky Castle</#24F6CF>"
- "&0"
- "&eSelect this tag to get the"
- "&enext format: <#AB9DF6>%player_displayname%</#24F6CF>"
โ๏ธExample ChatColor
id: "chatcolor"
title: "ChatColor Tag"
default: "&f{message}"
behavior: "chat_message"
command-name: "chatcolor"
command-description: "Select the placeholder for your chatcolor"
- "cc"
value: "<#a7c957>{message}</>"
permission: "tags.green.chat"
material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
skin: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGZhYjdkYWViOGYzMzNjNzg4NmE3MGVmMzBjYWY0ZGVjNGE4Y2QxMDQ5M2YyMzgwMmYxNTE2YmRkMjNmY2QifX19"
name: "<#a7c957>Green</>"
- "&0"
- "&eSelect this tag to get the"
- "&enext format: <#a7c957>test message</>"
material: "BARRIER"
name: "&eGreen color"
- "&8[&cYou don't have access&8]"
value: "<#00a8e8>{message}</>"
permission: "tags.blue.chat"
material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
skin: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMzYjUxZmVmMWQ3ZmRmMTkyNzRiYjc2ZmNlZGVjZWM3YTc3ZDAxMGNiMzRmZTAyOWZiNzk0Y2M1OWFiYSJ9fX0="
name: "<#00a8e8>Blue</>"
- "&0"
- "&eSelect this tag to get the"
- "&enext format: <#00a8e8>test message</>"
material: "BARRIER"
name: "&eBlue color"
- "&8[&cYou don't have access&8]"
๐ฆNew placeholder.yml
In order to create a new file you only have to create a .yml file, this can have any name, the important thing will be the content.
Once the file is created, the basic information must be entered so that it can work, with at least 1 tag to be used and the system to detect it.
You can be guided by the examples above and the one that will be shown now.
Explanation of each option:
ID: It is very important to put a different ID to anyone to avoid problems in the system, this will help open the menu in a more traditional way.
ID which will be used on the /tags command and as the ID for the placeholder in PlaceholderAPI. Ex: %tags_playername%
Title: This option is only to place the title of the menu where the created tags are selected.
Default: It is very important to place the placeholder that is going to be modified, here you can see what it looks like by default if a tag that modifies it has not been selected.
Command-name: Here you place the main command to open the tag selection menu (be careful not to use a command from other plugins or tags).
Command-description: You can put the description of what the command we created is for.
Command-aliases: If you need to create aliases for the command so that users can open shorter than the command, this is the section, you can create multiple commands at the same time.
Tags: In this section you must create the different tags so that users can select and modify.
If you give permission to the tag you must give it to the user through a permissions plugin.