Member Management
The plugin can manage your protection members, owners, ban and kick
Last updated
The plugin can manage your protection members, owners, ban and kick
Last updated
The ban and kick system is used for all users that you do not want to have access to your protection and thus not bother users
To add members there are 2 ways, through a command and an interactive GUI.
Command form: You just need to be inside the protection and use: /pb addmember <player>
This will add him as a member or you can use the following command to add him as a protection owner, giving him access to all protection functions, including member management. Except for removing protection, this can only be done by the primary owner of the protection
Command form: You just need to be inside the protection and use: /pb addowner <player>
To add a member through the interactive GUI you only need to use the /pb command or open the menu by right clicking on the protection block, the following will appear:
In this GUI, you need to select the chest, this is the option to add members, when you click on the chest another GUI will open where the button appears to add new members, you just need to search for the user you want to add and click on it, the system will add it automatically.
Deleting members is very easy, you just need to go to the members menu as if you were adding another user, with the difference that now the heads of the users who are members of your protection appear in the menu.
You just have to look for the person you want to eliminate and click on their head, a menu will open where it asks you if you are sure and you just have to click according to what you want.
The area where users will be sent in the event of being banned or kicked out of protection must first be established. We find this in the config.yml
Just like the system of adding users, the ban system has 2 ways, through command and interactive GUI.
To ban someone from your protection you need to be within the protection where you want to ban the user and execute the following command:
You just need to be inside the protection and use: /pb ban <player>
If at the time of executing the action and the user is within the protection, he or she will be sent to the world spawn established in the config.yml
To be able to ban a user with the interactive GUI you only need to open the main protection menu and, like when adding or deleting members, you only need to search for the user and click.
To eliminate you only need to open the ban menu, if there is a person banned in your protection, their head will appear and you only need to click and accept that you agree.
The kick system is very simple, you only have to execute the command within the protection and the user to be kicked must also be within it.
/pb kick <player>
This does not kick it permanently, it only sends it to the spawn of the world that was established in the config.yml, if it returns to the protection it can re-enter, to deny access you must use the ban system
They will be sent to the world spawn, you must use the following command in your main spawn to set the world spawn: - /setworldspawn