<>: required, []: optional, (): command permission, {}: alias
Last updated
<>: required, []: optional, (): command permission, {}: alias
Last updated
Command: /protectionblocks list <"player"> Description: Open a player's list of active protections, you can manage them or do whatever is necessary.
Main command: /protectionblocks blocks Description: Manage protection blocks created by the server, delete, create and modify.
Command: /protectionblocks blocks remove <"id"> Description: Removes an existing protection block from the server.
Command: /protectionblocks blocks give <”id”> <"player"> Description: Give a user a protection block via a console command or a menu (DeluxeMenus compatible).
Command: /protectionblocks blocks add <”id”> <”X”> <”Y”> <”Z”> <”permission”> Description: Command to create a new blocks.
Command: /protectionblocks reload Description: Reload the plugin files and folders. It is advisable to completely restart the server to avoid any problems.
Command: /protectionblocks admin setspawn Description: Specify the spawn configured for the plugin. This one is mostly used to send players after being kicked or banned from a protection.
Command: /protectionblocks spawn Description: Teleports you to the established spawn location (Which is configured with the previous /pb setspawn command)
Command: /protectionblocks admin resetflags [”--all”] [”--flags” <flag1;flag2;flag3…>] Description: Resets the flags of all protections or the protection in which one is located.
Main command: /protectionblocks transfer ProtectionStones <”confirm”> Description: Transfer files from ProtectionStone, this for RoyaleProtectionBlocks to handle now. ☢️ Warning: Read the next section
Main command: /protectionblocks files <”export/import”> blocks Description: Import or export blocks from blocks.yml file to game or from game to file.
Command: /protectionblocks purge [”--days” ] [”--hours” ] [”--minutes” ] [”--config”] [”--show-ignored-players”] [”--export-only”] <”confirm”> Description: Delete protections older than the specified time, based on the last connection of the owner or their creation date.